Have Bed Sores, Pressure Sores aka Decubitus Ulcers Become a Nationwide Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Problem?

 The pictures of bed sores taken from nursing home abuse victims depict the harsh reality of nursing home abuse that has become a widespread national problem. Reports on nursing home abuse show that it affects at least 30% of nursing homes across the county, and this number is a gross underreporting says California Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney Steven C. Peck.

Pictures of bed sores show that the abuse experienced in nursing homes is a severe problem, with some residents suffering such neglect that bed sores were not the only side effect. https://askcompetentlawyer.com/business-commercial-litigation/ The nation has serious decisions to make in beginning to heal the vast problem of nursing home abuse and prevent instances of pictures of bed sores appearing in reports and articles. Nursing home abuse is one of the largest focuses that legislators must deal with since pictures of bed sores and other serious abuse effects have come into the spotlight.


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