Nursing Home Abuse is a Serious Problem throughout the United States

 Nursing home abuse is a serious problem throughout the country, and it often goes unreported because the victims cannot communicate that they are being mistreated.

Nursing home abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, and emotional abuse. When nursing homes are understaffed or caretakers fail to receive proper training and supervision on the job, seniors may not get the level of care that they need and deserve. The effects of nursing home abuse can range in severity from discomfort to serious injury, and even wrongful death. Bed sores, broken bones from falls, dehydration, and malnutrition are just a few of the life threatening conditions that can result from neglect and abuse in nursing homes states California Nursing Home Abuse and neglect Attorney Steven C. peck.

It is important to note that nursing home abuse and neglect can be difficult to detect and may be missed if a concerned family member is not watching out for their elder relative. In some situations, a nursing home resident may be afraid to seek help because of threats made by the abusive staff member. In other cases, the victim may be physically or mentally unable to communicate that he or she is suffering from nursing home abuse.


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