Symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Occur Regularly says Los Angeles Elder Abuse Attorney Steven C. Peck

 Septic sores, or infections involving a loved one in a nursing home.

Any occurrence involving broken bones, especially a fractured hip, a broken arm, or broken leg.

Any type injury or death occurring during or shortly after an occurrence of wandering (including outside the facility) when the staff is not aware that the resident is missing for some period of time

Resident is frequently ill, and the illnesses are not promptly reported to the physician, and or the family

Serious injuries requiring emergency treatment or hospitalization of a loved one

Rapid weight loss, or weight gain without physician or family notification, and a change in treatment being provided

Unexplained or unexpected death of the resident

One nursing home resident injures another resident

Heavy medication or sedation of a parent or a loved one in a nursing home


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