
Look for the Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

  There are a number of different warning signs that could suggest that a nursing home is not providing adequate health care. In many cases, these warning signs will go unnoticed until it is too late. In other cases, these warning signs are simply brushed off by family members and friends. And, in even more cases, these warning signs are hidden behind closed doors. Whatever the case, it is important to be on the lookout for any signs of nursing home abuse or neglect. Nursing homes are supposed to be a place of support and security; however, this is not always the case. If you notice any warning signs that a nursing home is not up to standard, then it is important to contact a Peck Law Group elder abuse attorney to toll free at 1.866.999.9085 immediately. Physical Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Physical signs can often be a great indicator of abuse.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/  If your loved one is showing any of these symptoms, it could be a sign of neglect or abuse: ■B...

Abuse and Neglect of Elders: Celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

 Abuse and neglect of older people will be highlighted on Monday June 15, 2009 with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Respect each other - Let's all say no to elder abuse and neglect. Age Concerns around the country will alert their communities to the devastating impact on older people. Every day hundereds of more cases of abuse or neglect of older people are uncovered and they know that's just the tip of the iceberg. People think that because someone is old, they don't matter. They take their money, isolate them, make decisions without even asking, and pressure them into things they don't want to do like giving a 'loan', or letting family move in for free. This is elder abuse and these people are abusers.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/  They show no respect for the older person, for their quality of life, and for their needs - they even can take away their will to live. Seventy to Eighty percent of elder abuse and neglect occurs at the hands of family members....

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Being Investigated in Florida Nursing Home

  Another accusation of nursing home neglect is making headlines. This time, the Ridgecrest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 1200 N. Stone Street, in Deland, Florida is being accused of, and investigated for, abuse, said the Daytona Beach News Journal. Graystone Healthcare Management owns Ridgecrest and operates 28 nursing homes in Florida, Indiana, and Ohio. It seems that a 76-year-old patient--whose identity is being withheld--had to wait for about 12 hours before she received treatment for a broken shoulder and two broken legs, said the Daytona Beach News Journal, citing a DeLand police report. The female patient fell out of her bed at 5:00 am Friday, when her bedding was being changed, said DeLand police Deputy Chief Randel Henderson, wrote the Daytona Beach News Journal. The woman was put back in her bed after the accident, but it took until the next shift change at 4:42 pm, for emergency workers to be brought on the scene and help with her injuries, said the Daytona Beach N...

Appropriate Documentation In Hospitals and Long Term Care Facilities May Determine Ultimate Legal Responsibility says California Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Steven Peck

  Appropriate documentation should always be performed on admission to nursing homes and all long term care medical facilities.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/civil-litigation/   This shall prevent clinicians from being held responsible for something that certainly could not have developed within that nursing home and / or hospital stay if the symptom had been documented as "present on admission." For example, a patient with the stage 3 decubitus ulcer, also known as a pressure sore and bed sore noted on the third day in the facility obviously did not develop that condition during that admission, but if this is not documented on the intake, it could cause litigation that might have been avoided.

Nursing Home Abuse is a Serious Problem throughout the United States

  Nursing home abuse   is a serious problem throughout the country, and it often goes unreported because the victims cannot communicate that they are being mistreated. Nursing home abuse can take many forms , including physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, and emotional abuse. When nursing homes are understaffed or caretakers fail to receive proper training and supervision on the job, seniors may not get the level of care that they need and deserve. The effects of nursing home abuse can range in severity from discomfort to serious injury, and even wrongful death. Bed sores, broken bones from falls, dehydration, and malnutrition are just a few of the life threatening conditions that can result from neglect and abuse in nursing homes states California Nursing Home Abuse and neglect Attorney Steven C. peck. It is important to note that nursing home abuse and neglect can be difficult to detect and may be missed if a concerned family member is not watching out for their el...

Symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Occur Regularly says Los Angeles Elder Abuse Attorney Steven C. Peck

  Septic sores, or infections involving a loved one in a nursing home. Any occurrence involving broken bones, especially a fractured hip, a broken arm, or broken leg. Any type injury or death occurring during or shortly after an occurrence of wandering (including outside the facility) when the staff is not aware that the resident is missing for some period of time  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/complex-litigation/ Resident is frequently ill, and the illnesses are not promptly reported to the physician, and or the family Serious injuries requiring emergency treatment or hospitalization of a loved one Rapid weight loss, or weight gain without physician or family notification, and a change in treatment being provided Unexplained or unexpected death of the resident One nursing home resident injures another resident Heavy medication or sedation of a parent or a loved one in a nursing home

Have Bed Sores, Pressure Sores aka Decubitus Ulcers Become a Nationwide Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Problem?

  The pictures of bed sores taken from nursing home abuse victims depict the harsh reality of nursing home abuse that has become a widespread national problem. Reports on nursing home abuse show that it affects at least 30% of nursing homes across the county, and this number is a gross underreporting says California Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney Steven C. Peck. Pictures of bed sores show that the abuse experienced in nursing homes is a severe problem, with some residents suffering such neglect that bed sores were not the only side effect.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/business-commercial-litigation/  The nation has serious decisions to make in beginning to heal the vast problem of nursing home abuse and prevent instances of pictures of bed sores appearing in reports and articles. Nursing home abuse is one of the largest focuses that legislators must deal with since pictures of bed sores and other serious abuse effects have come into the spotlight.